Planned Maintenance Implementation
At Codub, we understand that a correct and a quick planned maintenance implementation will lead to increased profits! This is the reason why we continually look for ways to enable our clients work smarter. The PM Wall planner generator is an example of how far we will go to ensure that legacy historical data are used as quickly as possible by automating the data building process.
PM Wall Planner Generator Overview
The Wall Planner Generator (WPG) is a smart tool that reads information from a database and displays a 52-week planned maintenance schedule on a spreadsheet.
The WPG also displays summary data such as weekly, monthly and yearly totals (e.g. work orders) numerically and graphically. It displays two sets of graphs – weekly summaries and monthly summaries.
The graphic impressions instantly convey numerical statistical trends.
The WPG is also capable of displaying cost summaries e.g. weekly work order costs considering technician skill-level rates. These rates need to be set up in the database.
The WPG is also able to run queries in “save” mode enabling users to save wall planners on files.
The awesome power of the WPG is particularly notable when users obtain detailed information regarding particular schedules by hovering over those schedules thereby automatically activating the associated information-carrying comments.
The WPG is fully scrollable either horizontally or vertically The PM Generator (PMG) is a suite of pm records auto-generation tools that basically take asset information either from existing files (e.g. word document, excel, pdf.) or a database and applies the applicable job plans and date scheduling to generate pm records. The PMG suite of tools consists of the following tools – Asset Hierarchy Generator, Asset Policies Generator, Asset Survey Designer, Job Plans Generator, Locations Hierarchy Generator, Asset Template Generator, Asset/Location Policy Generator, PM Generator, Wall Planner.
Asset Hierarchy Generator
An asset hierarchy is a collection of hierarchically-ordered asset types. Asset types are ordered in the following manner – system, asset type, asset sub-type.
Typical examples would be:
Heating Heating Boiler Atmospheric Gas Boiler
Fire Fire Detection Fire Alarm System
The asset hierarchy generator would generate database records either from manual entries, an existing csv or excel file or another asset database.
It also enables editing of existing asset hierarchy records by reading the database and displaying such records for user-editing.
Asset Hierarchy Generator Procedures
1. Load Asset Hierarchy from either a file or database or
2. Manually enter the asset hierarchy field values
3. Enables the editing of the asset hierarchy field records
4. Specify Asset grouping policies
5. Save asset hierarchy field records
Asset Policies Generator
The Asset Policies Generator provides the tools for specifying policies applicable to particular asset record fields such as asset numbering, asset description, custom asset fields. This tool enables the creation & editing of such policies.
Asset Policies Generator Procedures
1. Load an asset policy from a file or database or
2. Enter fields with field names, type and max length
3. Designate fields (e.g. Asset Number or Asset Description)
4. Specify Asset numbering policy on the appropriate field
5. Specify Asset Description on the appropriate field
6. Specify Field Selection Values on the appropriate field
7. Specify Field Default Values
8. Specify Field maximum lengths
9. Specify Asset Fields excess length actions (e.g trim off with.)
10. Edit Field policies
11. Save Field policies
Asset Survey Template Designer
The Asset Survey Template is the asset survey capture-form on a portable device. This is used by asset surveyors to collect asset information. The Asset Survey Template Designer is a survey-form design application on a computer that is used to design/save the Asset Survey Templates. This design utility has form design capabilities and also saves designed templates onto a database. These templates may be edited later or put to use by loading onto survey handheld devices for asset capture
Asset Survey Template Designer Procedure
1. Load an asset survey template from a file or database or
2. Design new asset template with form controls
3. Edit asset template design
4. Save asset tempate design
Job Plans Generator
A job plan is a set of tasks for a specified type of maintenance on a type of asset. It could be say a 3-monthly job plan for an air conditioning split unit. The Job Plans Generator is a utility that basically converts a job plans file listing or extracts job plans from a different database or accepts manual job plan entries and translates and stores these into the systems’ database.
Job Plans Generator Procedure
1. Load job plans from a file, database or manual entry
2. Edit job plans
3. Save job plans
Location Hierarchy Generator
1. Load locations hierarchy from a file or database or
2. Enter new location hierarchy
3. Edit location hierarchy
4. Save location hierarchy
Asset Template/Validation File Creation
1. Create asset validation (template) files from asset hierarchy and maintenance records such as historical orders, invoices etc) or
2. Create asset validation (template) files from asset hierarchy and asset surveys
Asset Template Cleansing (Read Asset Validation File)
1. Check for asset hierarchy compliance
2. Auto-correct asset hierarchy non-compliance where possible (software-driven)
3. Manually correct all other non-compliances
Asset Grouping/Splitting Policy Definition (e.g. grouping assets by system or location)
1. Define asset splitting/grouping policies
2. Read Asset Grouping/Splitting Policies
3. Identify maintainable assets based on the asset hierarchy
4. Use these Policies to split or group the maintainable assets
Asset Numbering Policy
1. Define asset numbering policy e.g. 079801FR0001.
2. Assign asset numbers to single, groups or system assets using policy
Location Numbering Policy
1. Define location numbering policy (either use client data or user specified) e.g. 6581-1-B
2. Apply location numbers to asset records by replacing temporary location in asset files
Generation of Location/Asset Records
1. Generate Location Template from Asset Validation/Template files
2. Generate Asset Template from Asset Validation/Template files
Job Plan Development
1. Develop new Job Plans with operations personnel
2. Develop Job Plans from existing job plans
Maintenance Due Dates Generation
1. Create asset due date files (based on major maintenance dates) from maintenance records(docs, pdfs, xls etc)
2. Create asset due date files (based on major maintenance dates) from legacy database
PM Records Generation
1. Determine PM type required i.e. asset or location based
2. If pm-type is location-based, then generate location/asset subtype matrix. This will act as the asset listing
3. Generate ready PM numbers if pm-type is location-based (i.e. no existing asset listing)
4. Generate relationship between assets, location priority (e.g. high/low) and job plans [subtype job plan]
5. Generate PM dates & counters using Go-Live date as reference as well as the major maintenance dates from the due date files
6. Generate PM records in a master document from Asset Hierarchy, Job Plans, Location/Asset subtype matrix, subtype job plan, Asset template
PM Records Publishing
1. Publish PMs to a loading document (e.g. IBM template)
2. Publish PMs to a database
WallPlanner Generation
1. Load PM master document into WallPlanner generator
2. Select WallPlanner display options (e.g work type, areas, locations, system/asset/asset sub types, work done by contractor/in-house etc)
3. Generate WallPlanner (displaying man hours, PM dates etc)
4. Client’s Asset information file from master document
5. Generate Client’s PM information file from master document