What we do
Very simple – Connect project and business owners to genuine funders
Types of Funds Available
• Collateralised Debt Finance (above US$100 million) – Private and Government viable projects that serve a national interest or large scale regional interest.
• Mezzanine Finance (US$10 million to US$100 million) – Suits existing businesses of 3 to 5 years.
• Trade Finance – This facility suits import & export transactions. (up to US$100 million)
• Humanitarian (US$20 million to US$30 million)
• Collateral Bank Guarantees – BGs & SBLCs are cash-backed, fully transferrable, and from rated banking institutions such as HSBC, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Barclays, or BNP Paribas. (up to US$50 billion)

Business Model – Humanitarian Funds
Through our funding partners, there is the availability of funds of up to $250Million USD to support projects of social character like hospitals (also mobile), schools (including didactic equipment), water distribution, and development of alternative energies (solar and photovoltaic). However, the funding per project is between $20Million USD and $30 Million USD.
If the project can be backed by the government as well as for socio-economic, which means it is not required to produce income, then we can fund both the feasibility study (up to $240,000 USD) and a 100% grant.
Otherwise, for income-generating private projects, you have one of the following
i. Put down 20% of capital in relation to the total fund requested.
ii. Receive a 50% grant and 50% low-interest loan to be paid back over a period of ten to twelve years.
iii. Receive 100% grant, but 30% of the company will be the equity of funder Other funding arrangements can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Energy (Oil & Gas, Solar/Photovoltaic Power & Water)
Hotel and Hospitality
Infrastructure & Construction
Waste and Recycling
How we help
Our experience has shown some high level of poor outcomes of joint ventures in Africa leading to failed ventures. This has been because the client (or in most cases the landowner) had an unrealistic expectation of the value of their asset, which was not supported by independent market valuation; or an unwillingness or inability to dedicate the required cash equity resources.
We bring tremendous value by carrying out early due diligence to ensure that projects have strong prospects of success in the interests of all parties. This will involve us carrying out an early-stage risk assessment based on information received from prospective borrowers.
We are very focused on project delivery and as such are able to flag up at an early stage, matters that may impede projects and communicate that to our global funders, and where possible put in place strategies to overcome any issue or if this is not practicable, we will advise that we terminate the project.
Our General Facilitator Roles that apply to all Projects
1. We will be the communication node between the funder and the client.
2. Act as the lead contact for any request for information relating to the project.
3. Develop a concise executive summary of the project.
4. Ensure our clients follow the funder’s processes and protocols.
5. As much as possible, verify the accuracy of all information submitted during the funding process.
6. Review business plans to ensure they meet the required standards expected of the funding entities.
7. Provide constructive feedback from funders to our clients including when projects are rejected.
8. Facilitate seamless operation from initial inquiry to the point when funds are agreed to be paid.
9. Prepare and ensure clients sign any Non-Disclosure and Circumvention Agreements
10. Carry out early due diligence through our lawyers and accountants on projects to save investors’ money and time. This includes but not limited to:
a. Check the company registration is valid
b. Authenticate the directors of the company
c. Validate contract letters or letters of finance from banks

Our Specific Facilitator Roles on a Project By Project Basis
1. Face-to-face meeting with the Principal of each project. This involves traveling to the applicable country. This depends on the value of the funds requested.
2. Assist in fine-tuning Business Plans to meet funder’s requirements
3. Facilitate meetings (conference calls and face-to-face)
4. Carry out an early-stage risk assessment, which could include:
a. Assigning an accounting firm to verify the accuracy of accounting data submitted and help evaluate the potential risk of the investment.
b. Face-to-face meeting with the Principal of the project.
c. Using lawyers to carry out criminal or financial checks of individuals and entities.

Registered Office
St. George’s House
215 – 219 Chester Road, Manchester M15 4JE
London Office
1st Floor, 70 Clifton Street
London EC2A 4HB
Registered in England No. 5183706
VAT Registration No. 691 4241 35
Telephone: +44 33 0323 0587
Fax: +44 871 251 4100
Email: sales@codubconsulting.com
Website: www.codubconsulting.com